Upcoming events include:
Graduate School VisitWe plan to make a graduate school visit and we would like your help to decide on where we should take a trip.
A list of proposed schools is listed here. Any other suggestions should be emailed to binghamtonbioengineers@gmail.com
Past events include:
Northeastern Engineering ConferenceNortheastern University hosted a regional BMES conference featuring various prominent speakers and students from numerous universities displaying their research.
ICK! 04/19/2015
Each year, Binghamton BMES invites children from around the local area to engage in fun science activities at our annual ICK! (I’m a Complex Kid!) science fair! BMES members volunteered for the morning and afternoon sessions to help instruct kids on how to perform the experiments and their scientific outcomes. Some children love it so much come back each year to participate! The event was a fantastic and enjoyable fundraiser for the society.
Late Night Binghamton 11/14/2014
Going along with our usual tradition of having ice cream at events, Binghamton BMES decided to do a “Make Your Own Ice Cream Event” at Late Night Binghamton, an organization that provides entertainment and activities for students during Friday and Saturday nights. BMES recruited 8 volunteers in addition to a few e-board members to guide students through the process of making their own ice cream. The event was so successful that we ran out of supplies an hour before we intended to conclude!
Engineers Week 02/28/2015
Taking an old-time favorite activity of ours, BMES members volunteered to help children build wind-powered vehicles out of construction paper, tape, straws, and lifesavers as part of our activity at the Watson School’s annual E-Week. The week is devoted to providing children a glimpse into the fun behind engineering and science through hands-on activities.
Vestal High School Math and Science Fair 03/20/2015
High School students had the opportunity to interact personally with the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) and Binghamton BMES to learn about possibly careers and applications of engineering. BMES showcased morse code through an Arduino unit while ASME demonstrated a simple 3D printer that created figurines of Pokémon. Although most other invited groups could not make an appearance, the event was successful for those students who stopped by.
Red Cross Blood Drive 03/03/2015
Binghamton BMES co-hosted a blood drive with the Red Cross Club and Tau Beta Pi from 12pm-6pm on a Tuesday. Advertisements were made through email, classes, and social media. The drive collected 27 units of blood on a goal of attaining 36 units and helped save lives in the process thanks to all that donated.
General Body Meeting Activities
Throughout the year, various activities were performed at general body meetings in order to encourage participation and provide general entertainment for the members present as opposed to a traditional general body meeting. One prime example includes the first general body meeting of the year in which attendees were divided up into groups and instructed to build a marshmallow tower with 3 minutes. The team with the highest standing tower won four $5 gift cards to the school bookstore. Another example included the general body meeting that took place right before Engineers Week in which members had 5 minutes to construct a wind-powered vehicle as teams. These vehicles were then raced and the winner was allowed to keep an entire bag of lifesavers.
Student-Faculty Dinner 11/10/2014
Between all the classes, homework, and other assignments it can be difficult to interact with your favorite professors personally. Binghamton BMES aimed to address this problem with the best remedy out there: free food! Numerous faculty and students gathered in the Union on a November evening to enjoy submarine sandwiches, snacks, refreshments, and ice cream while engaging in more personal conversations. The evening began by allowing everyone to grab some food and socialize for a while. Once BMES thanked everyone for coming, each faculty member was given a chance to introduce his/herself, their role in the department, and an overview of their current research efforts. Students and faculty alike found this to be a wonderful opportunity to interact more personally with one another outside of the traditional academic setting.
Walk to End Alzheimer’s 09/21/2014
Binghamton BMES took 7 members to help volunteer with setup on a bright Sunday morning in September at Otsiningo Park in Binghamton, NY for a Walk to End Alzheimer’s, a fundraising and awareness walk sponsored by the Alzheimer’s Association. Members performed a variety of tasks including posting up sponsor signs along the course, spreading out snacks on tables, and moving boxes with various materials needed for the day. The walk itself had a tremendous 673 walkers and raised a total of $49,195.84 toward the cause.
Kopernik Observatory Visit 11/14/2014
Our field of study, Biomedical Engineering, is innately interdisciplinary so we jumped on the opportunity to host a visit the Kopernik Observatory to learn about astronomy in the neighboring town of Vestal, NY. In addition to being exposed to amazing telescopes, we attended a talk hosted by the observatory on how paleontologists’ views of dinosaurs have dramatically changed in the past decade due to advances in technology. Members had a fantastic experience learning about fields of study we may not have been exposed to in our regular curriculum.
University of Rochester Info Session 10/27/2014
The Binghamton Biomedical Engineering Society invited Dr. Greg T. Rdowski from the Center for Medical Technology and Innovation at the University of Rochester to discuss the variety of offerings the University of Rochester has for a biomedical engineering graduate education on both the Masters’ and PhD level. Dr. Rdowski provided brochures, presentations, free pens, and best of all free pizza! Students had the opportunity to ask a variety of questions while learning about the benefits of attending Rochester for further education.
REU Workshop 02/12/2015
Binghamton BMES invited Dr. Gretchen Mahler from the Biomedical Engineering Department to help discuss the process of applying to REU, Research for Undergraduates, programs. President Stephen Fischer began by presenting a couple of articles and guidelines found on the internet written from participants of past REU’s at different schools. Dr. Mahler further walked the student through the process by sharing insight on her experience with applications, how students should go about asking for letters of recommendation and choosing which programs to apply to.
Alumni Visit 03/11/2015
Lucy Volland graduated from Binghamton University in 2011 with a BS in Bioengineering. Since then she has taken on a role in adMarketplace, an organization that helps match internet search queries to advertisements from a variety of companies. Lucy shared her experiences regarding her life at Binghamton and her post-graduate life, and she discussed the plethora of options available for young graduates.
CPSI Biotech 03/19/2015
CPSI Biotech is a biomedical company dedicated to developing and researching cryoablation technologies to fight cardiovascular conditions and cancers. Binghamton BMES had the privilege of touring their facilities, interacting with their managers, and witnessing the usage of their SCN-LEM (Super Critical Nitrogen-Liquid Ejection Module) in a tank of water as a demonstration. Dr. John M. Baust gave a very interesting talk about the history of the company, the numerous technologies it has produced, and its current plans for the future.