
A student Chapter of the Biomedical Engineering Society

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Class of 2014
Jesse Cahill
Email: jcahill4@binghamton.edu
Location: Norfolk, VA
What are you doing now?: Working as an Associate Engineer at Canon U.S. Life Sciences.
Advice: Get involved in research early to get experience for jobs or grad school

Rachel Engelberg
Email: Rsengelberg@gmail.com
Location: Buffalo, NY
What are you doing now?: Medical school

Olivia Schultz
Email: oms535@yahoo.com
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/pub/olivia-schultz/85/b28/b7/
Location: Madison, WI
What are you doing now?: I'll be working for Epic Systems, a healthcare software company, as an IT analyst. I'll act as the technical lead to Epic customers, helping them improve and customize their software experience.
Advice: Try not to procrastinate too much. Get to know your classmates. Have fun.

Matthew Reiss
Email: mareiss@seas.upenn.edu
Location: Philadelphia, PA
What are you doing now?: Next year I will be starting a Master's Degree in Bioengineering at the University of Pennsylvania.
Advice: Take advantage of all the opportunities presented to you and step out of your comfort zone. One of the best decisions I made as an undergraduate was to try research, for me with Dr. Mahler. It was one of the most rewarding experiences of Binghamton and provided me with many opportunities that I would not have otherwise had. Step out of your comfort zone and do something you find passionate.

Class of 2013
Erin Barnes
Location: Philadelphia, PA
What are you doing now?: Attending Temple University School of Medicine
Advice: Keep an open mind for each class you take and look up the research the professors in the department are doing. If one of their projects sounds interesting, talk with them in their office hours and get involved with it.

Matthew R Belina
Location: Poughkeepsie, NY
What are you doing now?: Working for Soluxe Energy Solutions in Connecticut trying to get households to look at renewable energy and help them conserve and reduce energy usage as well.
Advice: Do what you love. Find something that makes you happy to do every day and follow it.

Michael Bellavia
Location: Syracuse, NY
What are you doing now?: Taking a year off to do research/apply to graduate school (Ph.D programs) in biomedical engineering/pharmaceutics
Advice: If you're interested in graduate school, definitely do conduct research as an undergraduate. Also, if its applicable but outside BE, do it anyway. Network, network, network, NETWORK

Nithin Kumar Dandamudi
Email: dnithinkumar@gmail.com
Location: Atlanta, GA
What are you doing now?: Working as a SAP ABAP Developer.

Amber Ferger
Location: Binghamton, NY
What are you doing now?: Grad School here at Binghamton in Systems Science
Advice: Get to know the professors! They can truly help guide you with your life decisions and they're a great resource.

Alex Hantman
Email: alexhantman@gmail.com
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/alexhantman
Location: Binghamton, NY
What are you doing now?: Trying to start a company!
Advice: Never miss an opportunity

Chris Keil
Email: ckeil1@binghamton.edu
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/christopher-keil/10/763/bb6
Location: Princeton, NJ
What are you doing now?: I work at Princeton University to improve software for DNA microarray analysis.
Advice: Don't waste your time worrying about your future too much and live the moment. Sounds cliché but you really do have little direct control over things that may or may not happen. Just be prepared, and keep pushing towards your goal. Definitely have a goal. You will suffer setbacks all the time, small and large ones. Messed up exams, family emergencies, break ups... Just don't stop pushing and appreciate the opportunity of being alive for this little time in our vast universe.

Wai Fai Lau
Location: Madison, WS
What are you doing now?:Working at Epic as Technical Service
Advice: Go get an internship, have fun, pay attention in class, and enjoy it while it lasts.

Spencer Lederer
Location: Boston, MA
What are you doing now?: I am working for eClinicalWorks in Software Solutions. The company specializes in software solutions for hospitals and other medical practices.
Advice: Enjoy your time in college because it goes by quickly. Don't sweat the small stuff, because things tend to work out in the end. Also, it can never hurt to talk to as many people as possible, because you never know who might be able to offer you a great opportunity.

Xia Chong Li
Location: Brooklyn, NY
What are you doing now?:Look for jobs and apply for graduate schools in bioinformatics.
Advice: Do the least amount of work to get what you need.

Wyman Zhao
Location: Binghamton,NY
What are you doing now?: Master's in Computer Science at Binghamton University
Advice: Apply to anything and everything, but if you can't say hell yes to an offer, the answer's most likely no.

Pamela Bortnick
Location: Astoria, NY
What are you doing now?: Environmental Specialist position at Triumvirate Environmental
Advice: Do well and have fun! Find your passion and go with it.

Kenneth Cheung
Location: New York
What are you doing now?: Still not sure. Many boengineering related jobs seek a biomedical background which I dont have.
Advice: Internship!! Internship!! Internship!!

Class of 2012
Kevin Buschle
Location: Rochester,NY
What are you doing now?: I work at a software development and print production company as a customer solutions engineer, doing on-site software support.
Advice: Internships and entry level positions often grow into full time positions. Looking for a position that you can grow in is key.

Katty Polyak
Email: kpolyak1@binghamton.edu
Location: New York,NY
What are you doing now?: I work as a Production Support Analyst for Citigroup in Prime Finance. I'm part of the Graduate program and will be rotating to a Production Support in another business area at Citi in September. I am responsible for application stability and resolving user issues for 30+ in-house applications. I use SQL and interact with Linux servers daily. Advice: Start your job search early - try to land an internship before sophomore/junior year at a company you would be happy working at after graduation. Look out for postings on eRecruiting where the company is coming to do onsite interviews. When you find a career path you'd like to pursue, look at what skills are required for that role and see if you can incorporate them into what you are learning. Networking is key! Noora Chaar
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/pub/noora-chaar/17/73/20
Location: Rochester, NY
What are you doing now?: Biomedical engineering Ph.D. student at University of Rochester focusing on cell and tissue engineering
Advice: Apply for summer internships when you're a sophomore and junior at places you're interested in working or going to grad school. Enjoy your time as an undergrad, grad school is very different. Take as many cool classes as you can and be open minded.

Tomasz Falkowski
LinkedIn Profile: http://www.linkedin.com/in/tomaszbfalkowski
Location: Syracuse, NY
What are you doing now?: PhD student in Ecological Engineering at SUNY ESF studying tropical forest restoration in Chiapas, Mexico.
Advice: Statistics is very important. It's one of the few tools you learn in undergrad that you will repeatedly use throughout your career.

Mike Greco
Email: mgreco1@binghamton.edu
LinkedIn Profile: http://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=117076098&trk=tab_pro Location: King of Prussia, PA
What are you doing now?: Quality Engineer/Project Manager at Devon Medical Products
Advice: Do not be afraid to apply somewhere because you don't fit all the requirements

Shane McIntyre
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/shaneaustinmcintyre/
Location: Madison, WI
What are you doing now?: I am currently working for Epic, a Healthcare Software EMR Vendor.
Advice: Network, network, network.

Nika Ogievetsky
Location: Troy, NY
What are you doing now?: Graduate student pursuing a PhD in Materials Science and Engineering at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. I have been and plan on doing research at the biological systems-materials interface and in nanomaterials.
Advice: Do research with multiple professors- it will help you understand what you really like. I think research should be a requirement at BU at least in the engineering and science fields. I know a few graduate students in my lab here who were even able to publish papers while they were at their undergrad universities. It doesn't matter if you plan on going further with your education, plan on working in R&D or plan on going into industry. The ability to apply your knowledge while doing research can prove to be very rewarding and educational (in my opinion it's the most important way you have to apply yourself while in undergrad- I would even go so far as to say that it's more important than most of your classes). This is one of the only real opportunities you have of really understanding why you're learning what you're learning or of gaining knowledge that you wouldn't have gained otherwise by merely taking your required classes. And don't just stick to research in the bioengineering department! Seek other professors in other departments- read up on them and see who's work sounds interesting to you. My current career goal is to work in industry as a project manager with the possibility of one day starting my own company. I'm working toward getting a PhD to increase my knowledge and ability to function as a well-rounded engineer and human being. While doing research, you have to go through a lot of confusion and set-backs, problem solve and teach others. The skills that one can gain while working in such an environment can be translated into almost any job title in any field. And so in conclusion: remove yourselves from your comfort zones and try something you may not have otherwise attempted-- now go hunt down those professors.Best of luck!

Joe Perez-Rogers
Location: Boston, MA
What are you doing now?:Working as a Bioinformatics PhD student in the Division of Computational Biomedicine at the Boston University Medical Center.
Advice: If you plan to go to grad school for your PhD, gain as much research experience in undergrad as possible. Start when you are a Sophomore and intern during the summers. Research experience and publications are the number one thing that recruiters at the top Universities look for when accepting students. Good Luck

Ariel Poser
Location: Westchester,NY
What are you doing now?: R&D Associate Engineer- Global Packaging & Engineering Technology - PepsiCo Global R&D

Elizabeth Thompson
Email: Ethomps2@binghamton.edu
Location: Long Island, NY
What are you doing now?: Working full time as a Technical Support rep at Eppendorf North America which manufactures science lab equipment such as pipettes, centrifuges, bioreactors, etc. I'm also in the process of getting my Masters in Industrial Systems Engineering with a concentration in health systems through SUNY Binghamton in Manhattan on the weekends.
Advice: Apply to as many jobs as you can until you get hired. Don't give up and don't be afraid to take an entry level job even if it's not exactly what you want to do.

Aristo Wong
Location: Los Angeles,CA
What are you doing now?: Masters of Science in Biomedical Engineering at UCLA
Advice: If you want to go to grad school take electives that will help you prepare for your intended specializations. for example ee and cell bio classes.

Chun Wong
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/wongchun
Location: Madison, WI
What are you doing now?: Technical Services at Epic
Advice: I don't think I'm qualified yet to give career-type advice. Only that you should learn what you're worth and don't give up.

Class of 2011
Peter Ackerman
Location: Buffalo, NY
What are you doing now?: I am attending the University at Buffalo for medical school. I will graduate in May 2015. Any BE student interested in medicine can feel free to contact me with any questions.

Leo DiCara
Location: New York, NY
What are you doing now?: I estimate lighting projects for contractors on the weekdays. It involves data entry, mathematical and excel skills as well as the ability to color in pretty architectural drawings. On the weekends I tutor and teach martial arts.
Advice: Do anything at all, everything is worth something to someone and the more things you do the more you'll be able to apply. Rob Atwell
Email: robertat@buffalo.edu
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/robertatwell
Location: Buffalo, NY
What are you doing now?: Attending University at Buffalo School of Dental Medicine
Advice: Listen intently, read voraciously, network constantly.

Sree Koneru
Location: Binghamton, NY
What are you doing now?: Doctoral Student, Bioengineering Department, Binghamton University
Advice: Do not think that bioengineering is just a path for biomedical engineering. Ask your professors to teach you about complex systems instead of simple systems that are based on other engineering curriculum. This is what helped me and many other alumni.

Bob Mart
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/bobmart
Location: Pearl River, NY
What are you doing now?:I'm a Technical Marketing Engineer for Teledyne LeCroy.
Advice: Network and be open to new experiences.

Albaraa Salama
Location: Madison, Wisconsin
What are you doing now?:Project Manager at Epic, leading vendor in enterprise electronic medical record database and software
Advice: Get your first job anywhere and let that help you network, figure out what you want to do, and what you'd be really good at.

Michael Weinlein
Location: NYC
What are you doing now?: Pharmaceutical Market Access Consulting
Advice: Find what you are passionate about and pursue it.

Class of 2008
Josh Brandoff
Email: josh.brandoff@gmail.com
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/brandoff
Location: New York, TX
What are you doing now?: Was founding IT Manager/Mathematical Programmer at National Museum of Mathematics until January, 2013. After it opened successfully I left and co-founded another health-tech startup called Aavya Health. I also own another business that imports unique confectionery goods from Eastern Europe.
Advice: It's so easy to be comfortable and let momentum carry you so that you are 'satisfied' but not excited or exhilarated. Don't coast. Try things and have an adventure! You'll learn so much trying you'll be amazed where you are a year from now...

Class of 2006
Joshua LeFevre
Email: Joshualefevre@gmail.com
Location: Austin, TX
What are you doing now?: Software Engineering Manager
Advice: Stay fluid and learn fast

To see other alumni check out the University's website here.